Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today I gave my first presentation. The topic was "Why measurements are important." The students are currently reviewing SI units and several of their lab activities involve measuring various things. With the ~10 minute presentation I wanted to bring in a real world connection, since it's not obvious how important accurate and precise measurements are to everyday life.

The format for this presentation was different from the ones I gave last year. The presentation was designed to be short (10-15 minutes) and I wanted it to be a question oriented discussion (read that as more interactive) rather than me just talking at them.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back for a second year

I'm back in the classroom for a second year in the K-12 Partnership Program. This year I'll be in two physical science classrooms; it is my understanding that physical science breaks down to a semester of intro chemistry and a semester of intro physics. Most of the students are 10th graders and there are a few 11th graders.

My first day in class I introduced myself by telling the students a little about my educational background, how I came to be in their class, my goals, and a personal note (hobbies and favorite sports teams). I saw some students from last year, and I greeted them once the activity for the day began.

For the first few classes I want to become familiar with how the class is run. The students had a review of lab safety and are currently working on the scientific method.