Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Interactive Whiteboard

My faculty affliate is one of the teachers who is using new classroom technology: the Promethean Interactive Whiteboard and Activotes.

"Interactive whiteboards enable anything that can be seen or done on a computer screen to be projected onto a whiteboard. . . Hide, reveal or highlight text and images to stimulate discussion. Encourage active participation through measuring tools, such as interactive rulers or protractors. . ." (http://www.prometheanworld.com/server.php?show=nav.15)

The students like the new technology because they get to use the activotes to answer questions; it's a more interactive experience for them plus they get to use the new technology. So far the whiteboard and activotes have been used to go over a quiz and to take an extra credit quiz. During these activities the students are more engaged and are taking an active interest in what is going on. The also get to see immediate results. Once everyone has selected their answer to a question, the results are tabulated and displayed in a bar graph so that everyone can see how the class answered a question.

The whiteboard is a great way to make lessons more interactive for the students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds cool! Never heard of it, but would expect a tool like this to enhance learning in these ages.