Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Electricity activity

It's the end of March and the physical science classes are moving on to their next unit. Today we did a fruit battery activity. The students measure the voltage produced by a lemon and a tangelo (a type of orange) and calculate the amount of current nessary to power a 60 watt lightbulb.

I hoped to use the fruit battery to light one small holiday light (from a string of 50 such lights); however, they didn't generate enough electricity. I used a AAA battery from my calculator instead and had a couple of students light up the holiday light for class.

UM Physics Demonstrations also has experiments on the site and their is a circuit experiment that looks interesting. In this experiment a flashlight bulb is lit up using strip of aluminum, a battery and a flashlight bulb and a "flashlight" circuit (a light bulb, a battery, and a switch) is built on a battery board.

1 comment:

Carol Cramer said...


I am confused. Should the fruit have produced enough energy to light the light or was the purpose of the experiment to determine if fruit did produce enough energy?

Carol Cramer